5 Reasons You Should Be Eating Almonds

What do you look for in the perfect snack? Filling, tasty, crunchy, healthy, versatile? almonds hit all those markers beautifully. And yes, almonds. There are a few reasons to eat almonds over conventional almonds, given the chemicals that may be used on non- almonds. Plus, there are lots of health perks and delicious reasons to snack on almonds and include them in your baking and cooking. 

We use roasted almonds in a few of our BumbleBars: Mixed Nut Medley, Amazing Almond, and Chai Almond (the last two being on sale this month!). Our Apple Crisp and Brownie Batter JunoBars both contain creamy, almond butter.

Let’s jump into five reasons to eat almonds:

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Celebrate Women’s History Month with Woman-Owned Businesses

It’s Women’s History Month, and at BumbleBar, we are celebrating woman-owned businesses! 

Did you know BumbleBar is a woman-owned business? Founder and owner Liz Ward used her passion for health food and the environment to create the first energy bar back in 1995 [Read more…]

Tempeh Time: Vegan Bolognese Pasta

Calling all pasta lovers! If you’ve been enjoying our other tempeh recipes, you’re going to love this one. It’s one of the easiest and fastest recipes we’ve done yet and it’s a perfect weekday meal that’s delicious to boot!

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Nutritional Yeast and Why You Should Eat It

You’ve heard of yeast. It makes bread rise and the world go ‘round, but have you heard of its rock star cousin nutritional yeast? Nutritional yeast is seriously underrated, especially considering that it does way more than just make bread fluffy. It’s nutritious, multi-purpose, and oh so delicious. Not to mention, it is likely the easiest and tastiest nutrient you could supplement to your diet.

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Tofu Tour: Almond Crusted Tofu Nuggets

Do you love the idea of tofu, but get stuck when trying to plan how to prepare it? Here at BumbleBar, we love plant-based sources of protein, so we wanted to explore some creative tofu recipes to see how many ways we could eat this versatile food. There are so many ways to make tofu, but we started by making Almond Crusted Tofu Nuggets with Lime Avocado Dip and we’re pretty glad we did. Want to make it too? Follow along!

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Thinking About Taking a Yoga Class? You Should!

Have you thought about attending a yoga class, but for whatever reason haven’t taken the first steps? Here are a few tips and guidelines that will ease your mind and set you on your way to the internal and external cleansing that is yoga. Remember, getting your butt into a class is the most important thing, so when it comes right down to it, get on that mat even if you don’t feel 100% prepared!

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Ingredient Highlight: Cocoa

Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Mint, and of course Chocolate Crisp (now on sale!) BumbleBars all contain delicious rich cocoa! Even our JunoBar recipes, like Brownie Batter, include bittersweet cocoa. Did you know that cocoa is not actually brown in color when it’s first grown? It’s actually has a very bright white hue and looks nothing like your average piece of chocolate.. Take a quick peek at the infographic below to see what you’ve really been snacking on!

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Delicious, Nutritious, Gluten Free, Ethically Sourced, Kid Approved, Vegan Approved, Energy, Sesame Snack Bars!
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