The Power of Listening To Music At Work

It’s 8:00 AM and you’ve just arrived to work. What’s the first thing you do? For many of, we plug in our headphones or turn up Spotify. Whether you work sitting at a desk, standing all day, or perhaps your job is really labor intensive – you probably enjoy listening to music while you’re on the clock. At BumbleBar, we’ve recognized the power of workplace music, so naturally, we wanted to share the benefits with you!

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BumbleTunes – What We Listen To!

BumbleBar loves music. The crew is always listening to music while they’re making BumbleBars and JunoBars – and of course our office team always keeps the radio on too! We’re always listening to something, whether it’s a new electronic track, a classic guitar solo, or a crafty remix. Let’s take a look at some of the songs the BumbleBar Team’s been dancin’ to lately..

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