Be Brave! Try Something New!

Do you remember the last time you tried something new and found your next favorite thing? How did that happen? Maybe a friend cooked for you or let you try their favorite snack? Maybe you tried a new restaurant? Did you read a great Yelp review and decide to give a new bakery a shot? I recently discovered a delicious thing while I was on vacation in New York and stopped by Double Dutch Espresso in Harlem everyday before I went out sightseeing. Avocado toast seems like a thing everyone knew about but me! It’s an amazingly simple combination that has a toasty and savory flavor profile that provides healthy fats and protein. You just toast the bread of your choice and top it with mashed avocado. I drizzle mine with Sriracha and olive oil. Delicious!

Avocado Toast, BumbleBarBE BRAVE, BumbleBar

There are thousands of ways to break out of doing the same old thing just by trying a new and interesting looking energy bar or picking up a jar of sauce that was made by a local company rather than a national brand. Your local grocery store or ethnic grocery probably carries hundreds of different things you haven’t tried! If committing to a whole package of curry kale chips or garlic pickles scares you, try looking through the olive bar, bulk section or deli counter at your local market. You can try new things without committing much money to a thing you might not like.BumbleBar

Trying new things takes bravery, but bravery doesn’t have to be big and bold, crashing through walls and toppling mountains. It can be small and cost less than five dollars, yet pay big dividends in how it enriches your life. This is how being a culinary adventurer can make your life a wider, richer place to live. Life is much too short to risk missing your next favorite thing just because you might not like it. You also might love it! Try thinking of every new thing as a thing that you might absolutely love.

What was the last thing you took a chance on and really loved? What made you want to try a BumbleBar or Juno Bar?

Delicious, Nutritious, Gluten Free, Ethically Sourced, Kid Approved, Vegan Approved, Energy, Sesame Snack Bars!
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