Authentic Chai Tea Recipe

Here’s a Chai Tea recipe from Northeast India, courtesy of our marketing manager Mary Jantsch. After spending three months in India she learned that chai is the Hindi word for tea so in English we’re really saying ‘tea tea’.

It is absolutely delicious and a perfect winter drink. Let us know if you have a different variation, we’d love to try it!

BumbleBar's Chai Tea recipe, Chai Tea, Chai Tea Recipe, BumbleBar

According to GreyWolf Community services, Indian grocers carry various chai masala mixes which you can use to make your own chai. Commercially produced concentrates can be found at many health food grocers and coffee shops. Ingredients for making your own chai are available just about everywhere. See our Recipes Section for a wide variety of chai recipes.

Of course the modern world has elevated chai to new planes of experience–chai ices, milkshakes, chocolate chai, non-fat, low-cal sweeteners, decaf, and so on. We have included a section on New Chai Serving Ideas.

We prefer traditional freshly made chai: hot, creamy, fragrant with black tea, fresh cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, peppercorns and enough sugar to bring out the spice flavor. While we personally drink regular tea without sugar, chai must have sweetness or the spices seem to lose their full robustness.

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